Nothing hurts quite like a break-up. Practicing self-care is important no matter what, but after a breakup it can feel near impossible, which is why I wanted to share what worked for me.
If you recently got dumped (or initiated the break-up), this guide is for you.
So what are some self-care idea for you? Here are 8 self-care tips to return to a healthy mental state.

Here are the content.
- Talk to somebody
- Adjust social media
- Only seek good advice
- Eat healthily
- Get active, stay active
- Do something new
- Cry your heart out
- Rearrange furniture
1. Talk to somebody
Just say what happened to someone else. You want someone who will keep secrets a secret, but beyond that, it doesn’t really matter who, all they need to do is listen. You are saying those things mostly for yourself, not for the other person.
If you are desperate, even talking to a cat or dog can help, because it isn’t about getting advice, it’s just about letting your mind process and explain the situation.
2. Adjust social media
The worst thing you can do is stalk your ex’s feed. You will drive yourself crazy and spiral into an unhealthy state of mind.
Unfollow, block, unfriend, do whatever you got to do. It isn’t immature or anything like that, it’s just a healthy way of coping.
3. Only seek good advice
You’ll meet people who’ve never dated anyone for more than a week and want to give everyone else dating advice. Or someone whose father has been divorced 4 times and follows every word he says. Don’t be those people, don’t listen to those people.
When hearing relationship advice, consider if it comes from a person who has successful relationships (romantic and friendships too). Often the loudest voices come from people who are totally clueless about the topic.
4. Eat healthily
Lots of people gain weight after ending a relationship. I’m not going to tell you not to grab a tub of chocolate ice cream and go to town on the day of the break-up.
We are only human, but if you are still eating like that three months later, then get a friend to slap you across the face. Your body is a temple, it deserves to be healthy.
5. Get active, stay active
Physical activity will help you stay fit to make a great comeback with a hot new bae. Exercising releases endorphins that will make your brain feel better when depressed.
You can get a friend to walk with you if you need it. Ask a friend if you can walk their dog for them, they might appreciate the help and it forces you to go outside and get something done.
6. Do something new
The key here is new.
Try a new game on steam, watch a new TV show, just do something you haven’t done before. Many guides tell you to start a new hobby. It’s a nice idea, but you might not stick to it, and that’s okay, just do something new to get your mind on something else. You don’t need to still be playing guitar 10 years after the break-up, but if it helps now, do it!
7. Cry your heart out
Sometimes you just got to let it out. Most of the time, you’ll feel a lot better after just letting the emotions run.
8. Rearrange furniture
This is a neat trick. If you spent a lot of time with that person in a particular room or place, try moving everything around. The old room would remind you of that person, but a new place will cause fresh thoughts.
This is partially why people who move away after breaking up (such as someone going to college) seem to get over it easier than someone still in the same place.
Those are our top 8 self-care tips to get over a relationship in a healthy way. Try meditation is also a good self-care way.
If you’re a beginner and want a little more guidance, try a Meditation app, like MindZone, to help you get started. Tell us what tips you like the most in the comments below, and please add your own advice for getting over a terrible ex.
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